
Crochet Dress | Patterns Free Diagram

This craft is made using yarn Crochet of different textures and finishes that are woven by a needle that has a specific kind of hook on the end. For a long time this craft was related to old things, but lately has gained a special place in the fashion designers Crochet and site collections. In this retelling of this manual labor, parts can be whole crochet yarn store, coordinated with fabrics and also completed by accessories such as belts incremented. Although the initial image of crochet yarn store refers to the retro trend nowadays we find it in today's clothing pieces like dresses that can integrate romantic looks Stitch, but also modern Crochet. Patterns Dresses are beautiful and can offer plenty of dresses due to its versatility, allowing them to be adapted to different occasions of everyday life to a formal event. Below are tips to build outfits using these pieces full of charm, kiss friends hope you enjoy
Material: Circle – Anne 500 – Nov. 5 beige (7650). Circle Crochet needle – nº 1.75mm. Upholstery fabric, 2 bra cups. It follows the Patterns of the chart and material Crochet measurements used in this beautiful Crocheted Dress. observe the Patterns and measurements. Learn simply Step by step

Front and back – Are worked together. Start at the waist. Make a run. 162 p. close in a circle and work in p. fantasy #1 following the corresponding chart, repeat from * to * (54 v.). 6 cm from the beginning of the work for the neckline on the back, do not make 30 p. and continue on p. costume nº 1 following the chart and in carr., round trip. Do not work on the side of the neckline in each row: 1 pattern (from * to *) 9 times. At 34 cm from the start of work aum. on each side on each row: 1 p. (5 v.). At this height for the back straps work only on the 5 p. on each side, leave the rest of the p. waiting. Work the handles following the corresponding graphic. At 16 cm from the beginning of the rem.. Resume p. Wait and work as follows: leave 3 motifs (from * to *) without working, starting from a loop on the back, secure the thread and work in p. costume #1 following the chart.

Stop the row, missing 3 reasons (from * to *) to reach the other back strap. At this point for the neckline, stop making the 5 central motifs and finish each side separately, stop making the neckline side in each row: 2 p. (3 v.). At the same time for the armhole do not work on the armhole side on each row: 2 p. (6 v.). After dim. neckline and armhole work in p. of the handle following the graphic. 16 cm from the beginning of the armhole rem.. For the skirt use the same chain. from the beginning, and work in a circle and in p. fantasy nº 2 following the corresponding graph, repeat from * a* in the direction of p. (18 v.). 70 cm from the beginning of p. costume nº 2 rem.. Make the peak all around the armholes, front and back, following the chart. Line the dress and secure the cups at the level of the lining breasts.

Size: 38/40 Stitch used – Little chain (corr.). Very low stitch (p. bxmo.): Insert the ag., loop., pull the p. and pass directly on p. ag.. Low point (p.b.): Enter the ag. loop., pull the p. and with another loop, rem. all p.. High stitch (p. a.): loop, insert ag., loop., pull p. loop., rem., 2 p. and with another loop, rem. all p.. Fancy point 1 and 2: follow the corresponding chart. Handle: follow the graphic. Picô: follow the chart. Sample – A 10 cm square in p. fantasy #1 with ag. 1.75mm = 21p. x 10 cars

Observe in the graphics the preferred sizes to finish. see the table and follow the points used in this step by step

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